Thursday, January 27, 2011

Shutter Speed and Aperature

Shutter Speed:

        The shutter speed on a camera is one of the factors that controls the amount of light in your photograph. It serves as a gate that keeps sunlight from the photo. The shutter speed controls the time that your photo will be exposed to light. A speed of 1/30 means that the photo will be exposed to light for 1 30th of a second. Anything exposure time longer than 1/60, a tripod should be used because your hand is not steady enough for the photo to come out clear.


       Aperture is another factor that controls the amount of light in your photograph. It is comparable to the human eye. The iris is the coloured band around your pupil, this is like the aperture, it can let in more or less light by getting smaller or bigger. The f number you set your camera to will be your aperture setting. A small f number (f/2.0 )  and a large opening for light to enter and a large f number (f/32) means a small opening for light to enter.

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